1.Code complete
This feature is implemented by plugin for anjuta and parser for anjuta-tags.
Here are some possibilities:
Complete for the names of variables (std / local) .
Determination type of variable and completion for it members
Completion for special objects
Determination return type of function
Integration with SymbolDB
Highlights missing semicolon:
svn checkout http://anjuta-js-support.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ anjuta-js-support
1. Apply patch(trunk/anjuta-patch) to Anjuta
2. Copy files from trunk/anjuta-tags to anjuta/plugins/symbol-db/anjuta-tags
3. Compile and install Anjuta
4. Compile and install plugin( trunk/language-support-plugin)
1. Compile and install plugin( trunk/js-debugger-plugin)
2. Add 2 files to your project (trunk/js-app/src/debug.c & trunk/js-app/src/debug.h)